The 10 And Under Tennis Program

This article will help you understand the different formats of the 10 and under tennis program.

Planning Long-Term

Most kids take up tennis with dreams of becoming the next Roger Federer or Serena Williams. While that’s certainly a possibility, it’s important to remember that there are other goals for your child’s learning process. Developing tennis athletic, technical, and competitive skills should be at the forefront.

We all know that the sport can provide a lifetime of enjoyment, and if you have a child interested in playing tennis, you’ll want to ensure they are placed in the right environment for their individual needs.

By learning about the different types of programs available nowadays, you can ensure that your child is set up for success. With the proper guidance and instruction, your child can develop a love for tennis that will last a lifetime.

Finding the Right Program

When it comes to starting your child in tennis or helping them improve their game, there are several factors to consider. Age, ability level, and level of interest are the most important ones initially.

First off, there is no one perfect age for a child to start playing. We know lifelong players who started when they were teenagers! So there’s that. That being said, younger children tend to be able to develop proper long-term habits and muscle memory more easily than older children or adults.

For many years now, tennis has been taught using several balls that vary in size, weight, and compression with great success. The record shows that age-appropriate equipment helps children excel by providing them with a graduated level of difficulty.

Age Appropriate Equipment

As any parent knows, finding the right racquet for your child can be daunting. Luckily, racquet technology has advanced in recent years to allow for a broader range of appropriately sized racquets for children based on age and physical size. This means that there has never been a better time for your child to learn the game properly. 

10 AND UNDER TENNIS instruction and equipment

With the help of a qualified coach, your child can find the perfect racquet to fit their playing style. In addition, new advancements in string technology have made it possible to create strings specifically designed for junior players. These strings are softer and more forgiving, making them ideal for young players still developing their strokes.

With gear that is too large or too small, they will not be able to hit the ball properly and will become frustrated. The correct size gear will help them have fun and improve their skills. The hope is that earlier success in tennis will translate into a lifetime interest in the sport, possibly laying the groundwork for future generations of more world-class players.

Not only are court dimensions smaller, racquets shorter, and tennis nets lower, but the balls used are larger and have less compression. Balls do not bounce as high when compressed. This keeps them within the strike zone of younger players, giving them more chances to make contact with the ball.

The balls’ different coloring provides a better visual indication of the spin that both the player and opponent can impart on the ball. Generating the necessary ball rotation in each situation is important in developing a strong tennis stroke. The colorized ball provides immediate feedback, letting young players know if they executed their strokes properly.

The player’s progression through the program levels facilitates an easier transition to the standard adult game. Players who take more conventional developmental approaches using standard balls, court sizes, and instruction will have had more opportunities to master the game’s nuances by the time they evolve to the traditional ball and court dimensions.

kids TENNIS instruction and equipment

Usta’s 10 and Under Tennis Program

Research has shown that when kids are able to have fun, they are more likely to keep playing for many more years. As a result, the USTA created the “10 and Under Tennis” program, which offers the right size racquet, smaller courts, and ball type for age and skill level so your child can enjoy the game right from the start! Below we’ve listed all the different formats designed by the USTA “10 and Under Tennis” program for all age groups and skill levels.

10 and Under Tennis Formats


Red tennis balls have a lower bounce and move more slowly in the air, allowing beginners to set up and take a proper swing at the ball. With this age group, the courts are turned using only the space between the service line and the baseline. This allows two courts to be set up on a single traditional court, increasing the number of children who can play simultaneously.

red court - 10 and under tennis


Orange-felt tennis balls travel faster and bounce higher than red-felt or foam balls but lower and slower than green balls. They are a step toward the standard yellow tennis ball while still manageable for young beginners.

orange court - 10 and under tennis


The Green tennis ball is similar to the standard yellow tennis ball but has less compression and bounces lower off the court after a bounce.

green court - 10 and under tennis


The Yellow level is more commonly associated with traditional tennis. At this level, balls, courts, and rackets are used in a standard adult game and at the pro level.

yellow court - 10 and under tennis


What Age Do Most Tennis Players Start?

On average, kids start around the age of four or five. This is when they are old enough to hold a racket and understand the game’s basic rules. However, a few players that eventually turned pro started at the age of two. Starting early gives young players a chance to develop their basic athletic skills and learn proper techniques before they reach adolescence.

Also, starting early gives youngsters a chance to avoid developing unnecessary flaws in their game that are hard to undo later. For example, a player who starts taking lessons at the age of four is likely to have more developed stroke technique and overall understanding of the game than a player who didn’t start until they were ten. 

junior tennis

How Much Tennis Should a Ten-Year-Old Play?

As a tennis parent, it can be tough to know how much tennis is too much for your kid. You want them to have fun, stay active, and be challenged, but you also don’t want them to get burned out or, worse, injured. Most tennis experts agree that kids ten and under should play for fun, not for competition.

They should play one or two times a week, for around an hour at a time, and if they play more, they’re likely to get bored or tired, which can lead to injuries, sometimes chronic ones. However, if your child is interested in playing in tournaments, some junior programs are geared toward kids 10 and under.

These programs typically have players practice once or twice weekly and compete in weekend tournaments. While this is a great way for kids to learn about competition, ensuring they’re still having fun and not getting too stressed out is important.

The best way to ensure that your child is enjoying tennis and staying safe is to talk to their coach and always err on the side of caution. With a little guidance, you can find the perfect balance for your kids and his or her future in the tennis realm.

What Age Is Junior in Tennis?

In the tennis world, “junior” refers to a player under the age of 18. Players can compete in junior tournaments as young as eight, but most juniors begin competing at around 9 or 10. While the rules for junior tennis vary slightly from those for professional matches, the same principles apply.

Junior tournaments are an important step in young players’ progress, as they allow them to compete against players of a similar age and experience level. In addition, junior tournament results are used to generate national rankings, which can help college coaches identify talented high school tennis recruits if they should decide to go that route. 

Although many junior players have successful professional or semi-professional tennis careers, others use their junior tournament play experience as a springboard to a collegiate or amateur career. Regardless of their ultimate goal, in most cases, youth players benefit from the competition and camaraderie that comes with playing at the junior level.

How Can I Improve My Kid’s Tennis Game?

If you’re looking to give your child a competitive edge on the court, you can do a few things to help them improve their game.  First, make sure they’re using the right equipment. A child’s racket should be sized appropriately and have the right string tension. Second, work on their technique. Proper footwork and grip are essential for producing consistent shots. 

In addition, regular practice is essential for improving technique and developing basic athletic skills and hand-eye coordination. Set aside some time each day for your child to hit some balls against a wall or practice with a friend. Finally, try to instill good sportsmanship. 

Of course, winning is important, but teaching your child to be a gracious loser will go a long way in helping them succeed both on and off the court. Remember the goals for your child’s learning process. These simple tips can help your child develop into a well-rounded person both on and off the tennis court.

children tennis

What Are the Various Levels in The Usta Junior Tennis Circuit?

For those in the United States, the governing body overseeing junior tennis levels is the United States Tennis Association or USTA. There are several USTA levels for juniors ranging from 10 and under beginners to 18 and under tournament players. Although bigger tournaments may have different age divisions, most follow the USTA’s 10s-18s framework. Here’s a brief overview of the basic junior levels and age groups:

10 and under – This level is for beginners aged ten years or younger. The court dimensions are smaller (36’x18′), the rackets are lighter, and the balls bounce lower. These factors help make the game more manageable and enjoyable for young players. In addition, scoring is simplified with short sets and no-ad scoring (the first player to reach four points wins).

12 and under – Once players have mastered the basics, they can move up to the 12 and under level. At this stage, the court dimensions are full-sized (78’x27′), but players still use lower-compression balls that produce less pace and spin. The set format is also simplified, with short sets played to four games. Again, no-ad scoring is used.

14 and under – As players gain more experience, they can transition to 14 and under events. Here, full-sized courts are used along with regular-compression balls. Sets are played best of three games, with regular ad scoring in place (the first player to win six games by a margin of two wins the set).

16 and under – The 16 and under level is for experienced junior players starting to develop their competitive skills at a higher level. All matches are played on full-sized courts using regular-compression standard balls. Sets are contested best of three.

18 and under – This is the highest level of junior tennis in the USTA system. Players aged 18 years or younger compete on a full-size court using regular-compression standard yellow balls. Matches are played best of three sets, with regular ad scoring. Players at this level often aspire to play collegiate tennis or turn pro someday.

girls and boys junior tennis

How Do You Get Ranked in Junior Tennis?

There are four main ways to get ranked in junior tennis. The first is to participate in USTA-sanctioned tournaments. The United States Tennis Association organizes these tournaments, offering different levels of competition based on age and ability. 

The second way is to participate in the USTA League. This is a team-based league that offers both local and national competitions. The third way is to participate in high school tennis. While not every high school has a tennis team, those that do usually participate in a league with other schools that can help players earn rankings. 

Finally, players can also earn rankings by participating in college tennis programs. College tennis teams typically compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which offers divisional and national competitions. By participating in any of these four ranking pathways, junior tennis players can start to build their ranking and enhance their career prospects.

girls and boys tennis

How Many Tennis Tournaments Should a Junior Play In?

The answer isn’t always straightforward, as it can vary depending on age, experience, and goals. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help to answer this question. For example, most experts agree that younger players (under the age of 10) should focus on developing their skills rather than competing in tournaments.

As they get older and more experienced, they can enter more tournaments and eventually compete in national or international events.  Ultimately, the decision of how many tournaments to play should be based on what will help the player to develop and improve their skills. With that in mind, parents and players should consult with their coaches to develop a tournament schedule that is right for them.

Extra Resource

Check out the USTA site for additional info on the 10 & Under Tennis program.

Christoph Friedrich
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Christoph Friedrich is a German tennis player and coach currently residing in Oakland, California. He began his tennis journey at the age of eight and has since dedicated his life to the sport. After working as a tennis coach and hitting partner in New York City for eight years, Christoph decided to share his knowledge and experience with tennis players around the world by creating the My Tennis Expert blog. His goal is to make tennis education accessible to everyone and help players select the best equipment for their game, from racquets and strings to shoes and overgrips. Christoph's extensive research and expertise in tennis technology make him a valuable resource for players of all levels.

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